Der Temperatursensor TCC kontrolliert sich selbst – und schützt so Ihre Produktion


Mit dem Temperatursensor TCC gewinnt jeder Produktionsprozess an Sicherheit. Denn der TCC prüft kontinuierlich, wie präzise er die Temperatur misst. Genauigkeitsabweichungen meldet er sofort. Per LED und #IOLink.

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00:02in a world of unpredictable hazards and


00:06we all need a guardian angel on our side

00:13a guardian angel who's always watching

00:17over us

00:21who always knows and we need a helping

00:24hand we don't even have to think about

00:29it but sometimes

00:34we actually don't realize

00:38but we just got saved from worse


00:45the new TCC temperature sensor (Hersteller) is just

00:49that a guardian angel for production the

00:52calibration church technology collects

00:54real-time data which is available for

00:57you at any time using the iron link

01:00feature the implemented drift

01:02recognition will detect even the

01:04slightest divergency and notify you

01:06immediately take your process security (Hersteller)

01:11and quality to the next level the TCC

01:19temperature sensor technology you can

01:22rely on

io-link temperaturmessung temperatursensoren

Letzte Änderung: 27.11.2019