Gutes noch besser machen – ifm zeigt wie’s geht: Der neue Durchflusssensor SM punktet innen wie außen mit zahlreichen Optimierungen. Welche das sind und wie Sie diese gewinnbringend für Ihre Anlage einbringen können, erfahren Sie im Video.
Text im Video
00:05hi hello my name is sandy Schaeffer man
00:09I am an inventor or rather an improver
00:14because I believe everything can be
00:15improved every time I have an idea I
00:17have just write it down idea 543 I call
00:24it the hat resto mater if you're tired
00:30you just have to find a wall yeah we
00:34have one you know on a plane in a train
00:39bus can rest your head and now if you're
00:45tired you can just sleep and nothing
00:49will happen here idea 753 this is a
00:54portable tissue dispenser (Hersteller) you know if
00:58you have the flu or if you tend to cry
01:00unexpectedly an improvement like this
01:09idea number 750 the eye drop application
01:13hyper goggles TM
01:26throughout our 50-year history
01:29improvement always was the key driver
01:31for the evolution of our products even
01:34if we do improve things differently than
01:36mr. Schaeffer man we share the same
01:39spirit of creativity and passion
01:41based on our customer's needs we
01:43optimized our sensor (Hersteller) series SM with new
01:46functionalities a slimmer design for
01:48optimal packaging and independency from
01:51Inlet and outlet conditions we improved
01:54the measuring tube for minimum pressure
01:57drop to improve your pump efficiency for
02:00high temperature applications up to 90
02:03degrees i holding provides precision
02:06data in real time to keep your
02:08production flowing exceeding limits the
02:12best flow meter in its class
Letzte Änderung: 28.11.2019