Traditions-Brauerei rüstet Tanks mit IO-Link von ifm auf


"Wenn man in einer #Brauerei von #Automatisierung spricht, dann bezieht sich das so ziemlich auf alles." Die britische Traditions-Brauerei Marston's macht's vor:Die Brauerei Marstons ist eine Brauerei mit einer langen Geschichte. Offiziell 1834 gegründet betreibt das Unternehmen heute mittlerweile 6 Brauereien und rund 1.600 Pubs in Großbritannien. Doch trotz dieser langen Tradition ist man bei Marstons steht bestrebt auch Neuerungen zur Verbesserung der bestehenden Brau-Prozesse zu entwickeln und einzuführen. So entstand in der Zusammenarbeit mit ifm ein modernes und funktionales System um die Füllstände der Bier-Tanks konstant, sicher und einfach per IO-Link Sensoren zu erfassen.

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00:09Marstons Brewery like from 1800s onwards so it steeped in history at this place.

00:15We brew beer.

00:17So in a brewery when you talk about automation (Hersteller) it´s pretty much absolutely everything.

00:22"From the dry goods coming in to the brewing process

00:27"all the way through to the packaging lines where we then have the packaging machines

00:31"cans bottles and put the beer into casks

00:37The application which I use ifm equipment for was

00:40to solve a problem we were having with our tank levels in the process department.

00:45Our process department has many tanks where we store the beer.

00:48One of the key things for us is to actually know how much beer we have in those tanks.

00:53I started looking at the application of how we could make it easier for our operators

00:57and how we could make it easier for the engineers to maintain.

01:00I looked at ifm pressure sensors in the top and bottom of the tank

01:04a level switch on the bottom of the pipe to know when we've ran out we can stop the process

01:08and also use a little ifm display (Hersteller) to let operators know the tank levels

01:13and also change colour when it starts to get low level that we need to do something and take action.

01:18So i used io-link (Hersteller) in this application because it really brings all of the instruments together

01:22its allows me to get so much more information and data out of the instrument

01:27"it also means that if i have a instrument fail

01:31and automatically have configured the masters to re-download all the information to it.

01:36"I love the technology

01:42than just your normal 4 to 20 switch.

01:45The ifm representative came to site

01:48we had a discussion and then they came back at a later date

01:51and brought a product specialist with them

01:52to really go through and bottom out kind of any issues or problems that I had.

01:57"I believe ifm is a good partner

02:02the io-link technology that we´ve looked at and investigated so far

02:05and the future products which are coming from ifm

02:08yeah I believe they are a good partner to choose to further with us.

automatisierungstechnik io-link lebensmittelindustrie

Letzte Änderung: 28.08.2023